bridges of holy week

This first day of Holy Week finds me on my way to Arizona to visit some of my family. I will see twelve at last count! Over meals, of course.

I love bridges.

This morning on the way to the airport, driving under this new bridge, captivated me.

Today is Monday in Holy Week. From the assigned readings for this day, I landed on Psalm 36, verses 7-9. (The Message version).

“How exquisite your love, O God!
How eager we are to run under your wings,
To eat our fill at the banquet you spread as you fill our tankards with Eden spring water.
You’re a fountain of cascading light,
and you open our eyes to light.”

We generally read “hide us under the shadow of your wings,”. I love the image of running under God’s wings.

I see wings in this bridge design. I also see a place under the bridge to “hide” under God’s wings.

I’ve crossed many bridges in my life, real and symbolic. What bridges await me in this Arizona space?

“Keep on loving your friends;
do your work in welcoming hearts.” Psalm 36:10.

I’ve now been in a metal tube for close to five hours, seated in my chair in the sky. I’m eager to land and see my sister’s welcome smile.

Traveling mercies.

4 thoughts on “bridges of holy week”

  1. Happy Easter!! 



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  2. Thank you for those images! Love the bridge and the thought of protection under His wing.
    Enjoy that wonderful family time! 


  3. That’s the bridge right near my house! And it leads to “my” nature preserve where I hike every weekend. Glad it was meaningful to you. Looking forward to hearing about more bridges you cross over and under (both physical and metaphorical). :)


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