
I traveled home today.

Reflecting on the last three days, I’m aware of how much peace I felt during those days.

A graveyard service in the rain. The image of open umbrellas sheltering those present.

The views from my son and his wife’s patio after the rain storm.

Sunday morning worship. From the sermon, “find awe, look up”, totality”

A color-filled window as I waited for my tall Flat White after church.

A visit to a parishioner to bring provisions for her chickens.

A small furry who at last desired to rest in my lap.

Ice cream.

The beauty outside the window during the descent before landing.

Traveling mercies.


Part of being a good friend is the assured promise to be present in not only the good times, but the hard times too. The hard times especially.

I’m seated in my chair in the sky, going to north Texas to be present when my friend’s mother is laid to rest.

In your mercy look upon this grave, so that your servant may sleep here in peace; and on the day of judgement raise her up to dwell with your saints in paradise. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Book of Common Prayer.

Traveling mercies.

two days in chicago

I’ve returned from my 48 hour trip to Chicago. While the reason for the trip was Mendelssohn’s Elijah in performance by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, it was so much more.

We stayed at the Silversmith Hotel in downtown Chicago. Within walking distance to Symphony Hall and the Chicago Art Institute, it was the perfect place to stay. Plus…we arrived early and asked if we could check in. Not only could we do so, we were upgraded to a suite on the top floor!

Just across the street was The Goddess and the Baker. Starting the day outdoors in Chicago’s Spring weather was a delight. So was lingering there in the late afternoon.

The “L” clamored above us with great regularity. Often two “Ls” passed by each other. It was raucous!

From The Goddess it was a short walk to the Chicago Art Institute. We spent several hours in the museum and saw only a fraction of the art.

Below is a favorite of mine.

Sky Above the Clouds.
Georgia O’Keffee

I took note of similarities of color and design.

Modern Cafe

The size and scope of the Chicago Art Institute was overwhelming. Even using the museum app, and asking directions of docents, it was at times a daunting task to navigate. Nonetheless, it was a real pleasure to be there.

The Solemn Pledge:Taos Indians – Walter Ufer

The days-end treat was an evening walk to Amorino for a much deserved – as judged by us – gelato.

On Sunday morning we took another walk – this time to church.

But first, The Goddess and the Baker.

Walking to church felt so good!

Alexander Calder

Bus stop benches along the way helped me go the distance!

Grace Episcopal Church. Grace Space. A beautiful space for beautiful worship.

Following the church service, it was time for Chicago deep-dish pizza!

Returning to the hotel, we packed up and departed for Chicago O’Hare. Our 48 hours in Chicago were filled with music, art, worship, laughter, taste treats, and lovely spring walks.

Upon descending to Atlanta’s Harsfield-Jackson airport, a masterpiece was revealed just outside my window.

Traveling mercies.


“”Elijah” rises again in fiery performance from the Chicago Symphony Orchestra’s conductor, chorus and soloists.” Classical Review.

The Chicago Symphony Orchestra’s Elijah was the pinnacle Elijah for me. All the previous performances I have experienced and loved led to this one.

It was a ten minute walk from the hotel to symphony hall.

My heart and soul were filled with anticipation as we entered the doors.

From the opening “As God the Lord of Israel liveth…” to the final “Amen!” I was swept away.

My soul was filled.

windy city travel

Chicago ChicagoThat toddlin’ town“. No, wait, “Elijah, get hence, Elijah!

I’m headed to Chicago for a couple of days. The Chicago Symphony Orchestra is performing my most favorite piece of music, ever! Felix Mendelssohn’s Elijah.

Elijah is an oratorio, which depicts events in the life of the Prophet Elijah as told in the books 1 Kings and 2 Kings of the Old Testament.

Symphony Hall

I don’t recall the first time I heard Elijah, nor can I count how many times I’ve seen Elijah in concert.

Lower Balcony. Row 1. Middle.

It’s been too long since I last heard the opening words “As God the Lord of Israel liveth…”, so I’m super-psyched about this performance. The Chicago Symphony Orchestra, no less.

Elijah will be in my ears as I am seated in my chair in the sky.

Traveling mercies.

walking with family during holy week

I returned home last week after my travel to Arizona. Ideas I had for blog posts were put to the side as there was little time to sit with my thoughts.

Instead of having time for posts, I had time with family.

What follows is my walk from Palm Sunday through Easter Day. The psalm lines are from the psalms appointed for each day.

The day prior to my departure, I attended Palm Sunday church services with my parish family in north Georgia. The service began outside the church front doors, with parishioners carrying palm branches into the sanctuary.

The Lord is our God,
    and God has given us light!
Start the celebration!
March with palm branches
    all the way to the altar
.” Psalm 118:27

On Monday in Holy Week I flew to Phoenix to visit my sister.

“Your love is faithful, Lord,
and even the clouds in the sky
    can depend on you
.” Psalm 36:5

At dusk my sister and I chased the sunset.

On Tuesday of Holy Week she and I walked the desert at San Tan Regional Park.

We depend on you, Lord,
    to help and protect us.
” Psalm 33:20

We later joined three of our cousins for lunch and happy conversation.

You make our hearts glad
because we trust you,
    the only God
.” Psalm 18:21

An annual gathering of awesome women!

On Wednesday in Holy Week my sister and I drove south to Tucson. We took the back roads where we were greeted with an abundance of wildflowers.

This day belongs to the Lord!
Let’s celebrate
    and be glad today
” Psalm 118:25

My brother met us along the way. We three spent time walking at Catalina State Park.

Celebrate and worship
his holy name
    with all your heart
.” 105:3

From there we headed to my brother and my sister-in-law’s home for a delicious dinner and delightful conversation, plus a sunset to wrap up the day.

The Lord has done this,
    and it is amazing to us
.” Psalm 118 23

On Maundy Thursday we went to the desert. We spent hours driving and walking through Saguaro National Stare Park.

I love you, Lord!
    You answered my prayers
.” Psalm 116:1

That evening we dined with my two nephews and their families for a wonderful Mexican dinner. The most delicious things on the menu were the conversations.

On Good Friday my sister, brother and I attended church at Saint Philip’s in the Hills, Tucson.

From the day I was born,
    I have been in your care,
and from the time of my birth,
    you have been my God
.” Psalm 22:10

After the service, we said our goodbyes and my sister and I drove north to her home.

Don’t stay far away, Lord!
My strength comes from you
.” Psalm 22:19

On Saturday in Easter Week I flew home.

You, Lord God,
are my mighty rock
    and my fortress
.” Psalm 31:3

On Easter Day, I joined others in my home parish in saying… “The Lord is Risen, The Lord is Risen Indeed!”

Tell the Lord
    how thankful you are,
because he is kind
    and always merciful
“. Psalm 118:1

Eight days walking with family. Eight days walking with God.

Traveling mercies.

bridges of holy week

This first day of Holy Week finds me on my way to Arizona to visit some of my family. I will see twelve at last count! Over meals, of course.

I love bridges.

This morning on the way to the airport, driving under this new bridge, captivated me.

Today is Monday in Holy Week. From the assigned readings for this day, I landed on Psalm 36, verses 7-9. (The Message version).

“How exquisite your love, O God!
How eager we are to run under your wings,
To eat our fill at the banquet you spread as you fill our tankards with Eden spring water.
You’re a fountain of cascading light,
and you open our eyes to light.”

We generally read “hide us under the shadow of your wings,”. I love the image of running under God’s wings.

I see wings in this bridge design. I also see a place under the bridge to “hide” under God’s wings.

I’ve crossed many bridges in my life, real and symbolic. What bridges await me in this Arizona space?

“Keep on loving your friends;
do your work in welcoming hearts.” Psalm 36:10.

I’ve now been in a metal tube for close to five hours, seated in my chair in the sky. I’m eager to land and see my sister’s welcome smile.

Traveling mercies.

it was so…. amazing

This was more than a concert. It was an event. An experience. Definitely one for the books.

We Ubered to the stadium (where the Dallas Cowboys play football) with cautionary comments from the driver about the possibility of not being able to find an Uber for our return trip home.

Nothing we could do about it when we arrived.

We joined throngs of concert goers! It was fun to get swept up in anticipation. Steps, stairs, and an elevator ride and we were in our fancy seats.

And then…Stevie and Billy.

Stevie and Billy performed well over four hours!

We sang, swayed, clapped and waved our flashlight-enabled phones all the while.

Singing along with my grandkids, it was so worth the wait!

Then it was time to make our way out of the stadium and then home. Easier said than done. I’ll just say, after walking and waiting in the cold night, our Uber picked up the last three concert-goers and delivered us home seven hours after we had departed home.

Now seated in my airport lounge awaiting my flight home.

Traveling mercies.

stevie and billy

What do you think of when you see these names? Do you wonder who they are, or do you know instantly?

Stevie & Billy

I know instantly because I’ve been waiting eleven months for a postponed concert with Stevie Nicks and Billy Joel. I’m a big fan of Stevie and in December 2022 I purchased three tickets – for my two Texas grandkids and myself.

Five days before the concert it was postponed because of a COVID outbreak in Stevie’s band. Ticket-holders were told to hold on to the tickets as the concert had been rescheduled for March 9, 2024.

That’s a long time to hold onto a ticket. But we did hold on.

Today I fly to Texas for the Stevie Nicks/Billy Joel concert on Saturday, March 9, 2024!

today’s the day

My granddaughter picked me up this morning for a day together with both grandkids. Tonight’s the concert.

Five months ago it was determined that I needed to have surgery. It turned out my surgeon is a big fan of Stevie Nicks and of Fleetwood Mac.

We talked about them at every visit.

My surgeon and I set up a schedule where I could complete the six trips I had already planned, then carve out four weeks for surgery and recovery in time for the concert.

So here I am. I’ve been carved up and I’ve recovered. And I’m in Texas for the concert.

Pizza in the cool sun.

Then a visit to a tattooist. We have plans and we needed to see if I’m young enough. Indeed I am.

My grandkids and I have strategized about what time to arrive at the stadium; what time to leave for the stadium, and then what time to order an Uber.

We’ve also talked about Uber pickup after the concert when 80,000 people will pour out of the stadium. We’re not sure about this just yet.

We are set! We’re leaving in 30 minutes.